Photo Credits and References

Copyright exists on all images in this blog!
Permission for use may be obtained by writing to

Photo credits still need to be given on individual photographs, although all are from the family archives so far. Captions, copyright and/or watermarks are still a work in progress. The blog was started before yet another year went by, so the anniversary of Fritz's immigration seemed like a perfect date to 'launch' his story.

An important reference used for the Atlantic crossing was a trip journal kept by Anette Stehwien during the trip from October 3rd to October 11th, 1968. Thank you for keeping this memory so very alive through this wonderful collection of events, thoughts and photos!

Source of ocean photos: Trip journal by Anette Stehwien, family album by Barbara Stehwien.

Photographs of paintings - Waltraude Stehwien, Barbara Stehwien

Other photographs - Anette Stehwien, Barbara Stehwien

Paintings are all by Fritz Stehwien, unless otherwise credited. Some are cropped and may not show a signature. Photographing and posting images of a painting can also alter the look from the original - lighting and focus being the biggest challenge.